Sunday, November 14, 2010

On Reading and Various Thoughts

Just a month ago, I "unearthed" a few interesting books that contained interesting topics. The last that I read was for academic purposes. Never during the last semester that I read a book of my interest. Upon the discovery of the said books from the dormitory, I was a bit amazed by the variety of topics it contained. It ranged from Illustrator Tutorial to a collection of short stories, from books of Palahniuk to a collection of essays by Zafra. 'tis a good collection of reading materials, and I picked one authored by Chuck Palahniuk, creator of Rant, perhaps the best narrative that I read for the last 19 years.

'tis titled Lullaby. I am still reading through the pages of it for the mean time, so I can't give a review of it. In its book overview, and even in the first few pages of it, it indicated a culling spell that can turn you into a killer upon reading the item to someone. Babies have been killed, editor of a newspaper been taken life, sons and fathers been dead. "tis a story of life and death, only not through a natural process. Death has been imposed unknowingly by the readers or the caster of the spell. For the moment, what is keeping me from reading the book is Palahniuk's witty and comical and honest description of things. He describes simple things yet they are imposed with simple but complex imaginations. (How is that? Read the book.)

The Badgerine included Lullaby in his/her list of favorite books. He described it as "brilliant" and that "themes of life, death, construction and deconstruction was threaded perfectly throughout the story." S/he also asked whether Palahniuk's books were as good as Lullaby. Far as I read through his books, I really find his style unique and mind-tickling, even at times confusing, yet in the end you will find yourself satisfied and happy that you finish the whole book.

Enough of Lullaby, (perhaps I'll be posting a review of it soon) I've been thinking of starting to read more for my last semester in college. Our professors always reminded us of the beauty of reading and whatever it is that we can get from it, yet I was really not convinced and it led to the untouched situation of my books, especially the academic-oriented ones. Guess I have to give reading a try. Guess I have to convince my brain not to shut down as I begin reading pieces of academic stuff. And I guess I should start now.


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