Saturday, November 6, 2010

On Photos and Brushes and Gradients and Vectors: The Photoshop Way

Been into Photoshop lately. I once had the CS4. Currently, and actually just recently, I replaced this version with Photoshop CS5 (the non-genuine one, thanks seeders! :))) Been caught, looked for serials, activated again, I guess this happened six or seven times. Anyway, been reading tutorials for the program also. However, I am saddened with the non-working status of my 3d element, guess it's with the graphics card.

One very amazing feature of the program is its pen tool, which allows you to create vectors and enabling "cartooning-yourself" feature. Here's an example.

Photoshop is also an important tool for web designers and layout artists in the creation of tabs, logos and graphics that can be used for adverts, promotions and even simple vanity. Here's an example of a vanity-laiden logo of me, which is quite significant so i can put identity to my works. :))

Photoshop also uplifts one's spirit, indirectly, through enhancement of not-so-good-looking photos. (Take Note: I used "enhancement" instead of "editions" because intrinsically, beauty is there, you just have to enhance it. :))) One can give focus on the desired parts and can add shades and bright areas to the photo. You can also experiment on the levels to give the picture a "pictorial" look.

Most of all, what I love about this program, this effin'-cool-program, is that you can do almost everything! You have brushes, you have gradients, you have patterns, you have pen tools, you have shapes, you have almost everything you need for a grand work! This program is Photoshop, and this programs is COOL.

ps. sorry for the vanity.


mel said...

i like the last pic :)

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