i can't blog right now.
i can't think of a good topic to talk about.
i can't think of a theme to use.
i can't think.....
you see, i can't think because an effin' friend is mad at me and i don't know why.
i can't think of a topic because i kept on asking myself what the heck went wrong, or what did i do wrong?
i can't blog because as i try to open up a topic i become confused and go back to the mind that i don't want to have, ya know, this mind who kept on asking what i've done wrong.
i can't blog because what's in my mind as of this moment is the very memory last night when he snobbed me and shooed me away like i don't exist.
i can't blog because he is not replying to my messages, because he does not tell me what the effing problem is, and because he is such a bitch.
i can't blog because i am worried i might lose another friend again.
i can't lose a very good friend, no, not this time.
*ps. guess this is a blog after all.
-Cris Virgil Pescadero-
ohh crissy.. be happy! :-)
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