Thursday, May 20, 2010

My Band Album (Taken from Mayang

The Rules and Directions: How to Create your Band Name and your Band Album

Create your Band Name and Album Cover.
To Do This

1 - Go to Wikipedia. Hit "random" or click
The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.

2 - Go to Quotations Page and select "random quotations"
or click
The last four or five words of the very last quote on the page is the title of your first album.

3 - Go to Flickr and click on “explore the last seven days”
or click
Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

4 - Use Photoshop or similar to put it all together.

So my band name is Davies, and my first band album is entitled "of through Inner Appreciation." You can avail of this in your nearest music shop and music stores. This is my album cover.

-Cris Virgil Pescadero-

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Haven't Explored much of the Philippines yet.


I wanna go up up up and away. Bitaw, ganahan ko moadto sa Luzon og Northern part sa Philippines kay wala pa jud ko kaadto. hahay. later. later.

-Cris Virgil Pescadero-

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Seven Deadly (?) Sins (?)

This is my first blog after a month or so, and I am choosing a very wonderful topic to talk about--the 7 deadly sins. 'twas in high school when I first encountered the term when we were required to read Dante's La Divina Comedia. (Pictures courtesy of Martha Dahlig from

The Snake Pits. Simply your punishment for being good fer nuttin lazy idiot. Actually, Sloth does not mean laziness (as it is always associated with the term, we can blame the thesaurus for that), but rather accurately means apathy. It's not just simple laziness, it's actually not caring for or not minding others, more so his duty to God. Effortlessly effortless.

My favorite sin. (why is this here?). Lust, according to deadlysins dot com, is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. hmmm. You commit lust because of... oh c'mon, you know why (and you know that it is sooooo hard to avoid the THING ^_^). Your punishment for bing so damn lustful??? Just smothering your body to fire, and oh, brimstone. (It actually just makes you "more" lustful hen you're in hell. It makes you heat up more.)

Very capitalist. (Or consumerist for that matter. Oh, wrong use of word, very American I say.) Your consumerist and pampered lifestyle will eventually lead you to hell. It's simply youir desire for material wealth, for whatever you have here in Earth. I just couldn't find the connection why the punishment for such deadly sin is being fried (or boiled) in oil. Anyway, swimming in the finest oil is like being pampered, and you can have the finest oil in the world for that. You need not share, for no one really wants to be with you in the boiling oil.....for eternity. (even not for eternity, no one would want to be boiled in oil ALIVE.)

People around should have been irritating you always end up angry and wrathful. Instead of giving love, you result to fury and violence. Worse, your war-ish attitude will never lead you to peace-making. This will not end even in hell, though. You will be dismembered alive, and worse you actually see and feel it. Worst, you don't die. Enough for your anger, just give love. That will spare you from experiencing the greatest pain in your eternal life.

Oh I so love eating. You are associated with a pig--greedy,desire-ful, even fat. ^_^ Maybe you weren't weaned that properly as an infant you end up taking advantage of what you have and even what you don't have. Gluttony is the desire to consume more beyond what you can actually just hold. It's greed to the higher level, even highest. It's like taking more that what you CAN take. As a glutton in Earth, your sin will be upgraded in hell. You will be fed as much as you want. Yes, isn't that great, gluttons? You will be fed with rats, snakes, toads and frogs. How about that for your meal? D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.

You have an extreme belief in your self, probably because your teacher and your mother always tell you to believe in yourself while you were a child. True to their words, you made that philosophy the greatest philosophy of your life. You praise yourself, you praise your abilities, you praise everything that you are. You are proud of yourself, or at least you praise yourself for being the oh-so-good-man that you are. Why is pride a sin when you are just loving one's self? atheism dot about dot com says that because of pride, you actually forget the higher being, God for that matter. As a sinful man that you are you will be punished as you will be crushed and broken on the wheel. You will be mocked for eternity for that, and you are proud or vain no more.

Very yellow. Jealousy, indeed. Envy is simply the desire for others' traits, abilities, simply the desire for everything that you do not have, or at least everything better than you have. People around you must have been always better than you--smarter, richer, more attractive, taller, slimmer, everything that is better than you are. (Or maybe because you just don't excel.) Being envious will lead you to the freezing waters of hell (oh, ironic, is it?). Dunno, perhaps freezing water will chill you desires. Perhaps the better punishment is to actually blind you for you not to see what everyone has got. ayt?

So what's your favorite sin?
or say, what's your favorite punishment?

-Cris Virgil Pescadero-